마이크로소프트(MS)가 인공지능·음성 기술 회사인 뉘앙스 커뮤니케이션을 160억달러(17조 9360억원)에 인수하기 위해 사전 협상을 진행 중이라고 로이터통신이 11일(현지 시각) 보도했다.
로이터는 소식통을 인용해 "이번 인수 협상은 MS가 뉘앙스의 주식을 주당 약 56달러에 사들이는 방식으로 진행 중"이라며 "이르면 월요일에 12일(현지 시각) 합의가 발표될 수 있을 것"이라고 전했다.
MS의 뉘앙스 인수를 처음으로 보도한 블룸버그는 해당 협상이 여전히 진행 중이며 결렬될 가능성도 있다고 보
뉘앙스는 애플이 AI 음성 비서 기술인 시리(Siri)를 내놓는데 기술적 도움을 준 기업으로 알려졌으며 헬스케어, 자동차용 AI 등 다양한 분야에서 관련 소프트웨어를 개발하고 있다.
이번 인수합병이 성사될 경우 지난 2016년 링크드인 인수 이후 두 번째로 큰 거래가 될 전망이다. 다만 MS와 뉘앙스는 해당 보도에 대해 공식 답변을 내놓지 않았다.
원본 내용
Microsoft in talks to acquire Siri speech recognition partner Nuance for $16B
Nuance Communications is allegedly in discussions with Microsoft over a potential acquisition of the voice recognition company, one that could value a technology provider behind voice analysis for Apple's Siri at approximately $16 billion.
Discussions between the two companies are ongoing, but could result in an announcement for a deal in the next week, according to people familiar with the talks. The proposed price for Nuance is said to be roughly $56 per share, a 23% premium on Friday's closing price.
The talks, told to Bloomberg by unnamed sources, could have major implications for Apple, due to Nuance's involvement with Siri. Apple used Nuance's voice recognition engine to enable its digital assistant to hear and understand user requests.
A Microsoft spokesperson declined to comment on the report, while a spokesperson for Nuance didn't immediately respond to queries.
An acquisition of Nuance would be Microsoft's second-largest purchase. Its largest is the acquisition of LinkedIn in 2016, a deal valued at $24 billion.
If a purchase is confirmed, it is unclear how this would affect Apple and Siri in the immediate future. While Nuance confirmed in 2013 its technology was "the fundamental provider of voice recognition for Apple," it is unknown how the relationship between the two companies over Siri operates in 2021.
An acquisition may even press Apple into investing more into voice recognition research, which could allow Siri to work without any dependence on third-party service providers.
This is not the first time the Burlington-based Nuance considered a sale. In 2014, reports claimed it was in talks with Samsung for a potential acquisition, though the South Korean giant didn't follow through.
In 2013, investors and industry watchers proposed Apple's reliance on Nuance could have been a good reason for it to acquire the company itself. At the time, it was thought Apple had a chance to do so for $7 billion, less than half the current anticipated purchase price.
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